Amazon Redshift In Practice

Amazon Redshift

AWS Redshift is a data warehousing solution by AWS. It has an easy clustering and ingestion mechanism ideal for loading large log files and then searching through them with SQL.

System architecture

  • Shared nothing MPP architecture. The architecture is similar to the other MPP data warehouse systems such as Netezza, MS PDW, Greenplum etc. Below is how the parallel processing be possible:
    • Cluster consists of a leader node and 1 or more compute nodes.
    • The leader node receives queries from client applications, parses the queries, and develops query execution plans. And it then coordinates the parallel execution of these plans with the compute nodes, aggregates the intermediate results from these nodes, and finally returns the results back to the client applications (ie. parallel processing).
    • On a single-node cluster, the node is shared for leader and compute functionality. On a multi-node cluster, the leader node is separate from the compute nodes.
  • A fully-managed petabyte-scalable systems
  • It is written in standard SQL based off PostgreSQL 8.0.2.
  • Throughput: Within the Amazon Redshift system, each column of a table is stored in data blocks with the goal of reducing I/O so only relevant data is retrieved from disks. Amazon Redshift is able reduce I/O through:
    • Columnar data storage reduces the overall disk I/O and the amount of data required from disk to handle an analytic query. Since most BI queries require aggregation of data on each column, columnar storage is ideal when matched with the parallel processing architecture of Redshift.
    • An additional benefit of columnar storage is the ability to leverage data compression. This technique is more effective in column-oriented data than it is with row-oriented storage solutions and can significantly reduce the amount of data loaded from disk during a query. Redshift supports many popular compression encodings from Byte Dictionary to LZO and will automatically apply the optimal compression to the data when loaded.
    • Zone maps: Each column is divided into 1MB data blocks; Redshift stores the min/max values of each block in memory and is able to identify the blocks that are required for a query and skips the blocks that don’t contain the data. This will minimize the unnecessarily IO.
    • Direct-attached storage and large block sizes (1MB) that enable fast I/O
    • Backup: S3
  • Concurrency: Amazon’s documentation recommends only running 15 – 25 queries at a time for optimal throughput.
  • In 2013, Airbnb compared Amazon Redshift to Hive for their interactive analytics. They found that queries of billions of rows were 5 times faster in Redshift and queries over millions of rows were 20 times faster.


  • Load your compressed files to S3 (ie. GZIP and LZO). According to the tests, best file format is csv and best compression algorithm is lzo.
  • Use COPY command to load those files in parallel to Amazon Redshift. DO NOT run multiple COPY commands at the same time
  • When you load all the data from a single large file, Amazon Redshift is forced to perform a serialized load, which is much slower. Split your load data files so that the files are about equal size, between 1 MB and 1 GB after compression. The number of files should be a multiple of the number of slices in your cluster.

Schema Design

  • Deletions of a large amount of data is not a trivial task with Amazon Redshift. To make it easy, you can create one new table for each month/ week. By doing so, you can delete your data by executing a “DROP TABLE” command.
  • Amazon Redshift is a Distributed Data Warehouse, so data is spread across different nodes. It is possible to change the way data distribute. You should always strive for maximum data locality if possible. For example, data from the same event/ users should be stored in the same node.
  • Definition of sort keys may impact the performance of your queries. Sort keys are also used by the query optimizer to come up with optimal query plans. If you work on time-dependent data, a sort key of a timestamp column should exist.

Choose right distributed and sort keys

  • Decide the sortkey and distkey
  • Choose the correct data distribution style to avoid data hot spot. The default is EVEN (round-robin) distribution which may not be the best choice depending on the size of tables being joined.
  • Collocate data from joined tables as much as possible to avoid data broadcasting

Analyze table after load

In Amazon Redshift, data blocks are immutable. When rows are DELETED or UPDATED, they are simply logically deleted (flagged for deletion) but not physically removed from disk. Updates result in a new block being written with new data appended. Both of these operations cause the previous version of the row to continue consuming disk space and continue being scanned when a query scans the table. As a result, table storage space is increased and performance degraded due to otherwise avoidable disk I/O during scans. A VACUUM command recovers the space from deleted rows and restores the sort order.


In term of pricing point comparison, 4x dc2.large (0.16TB SSD) costs 0.25×4 = $1/hr that is similar to 1x dc1.xlarge (2TB HDD). But the overall performance for the SSD option is like 10x faster.

Steps to setup

Create Security Group

The reason we need to do that as default security group has no access to Redshift cluster

  • Give a name for the new security group (eg. demo)
  • Assign a connection type: EC2 vs IP

Use AWS CLI to launch a new cluster

  • If a cluster is provisioned with two or more compute nodes, an additional leader node coordinates the compute nodes and handles external communication.
  • Give you cluster a name and pick the region you want to create your cluster on. Launch the Redshift cluster in the same AWS region as the S3 bucket to improve load performance of the COPY command.
  • Decide what node type and number of compute nodes you want in your new cluster.
  • Once cluster is created, you can see the jdbc connection string and you will use it to connect your jdbc client to it.
  • Thru your sql client interface, you can create table and load data (using COPY) to the tables you created.
  • If you didn’t specify the encoding on the table schema, Redshift will figure out it for you. To check what encoding it picks, you can run the following SQL:
  • If you get any error during COPY, you can check the error using:

create table

load some data

  • We’re loading standard, tab-delimited gzip-compressed log files with the headers ignored. Additionally we’re using the FILLRECORD parameter. This causes the import process to pad out missing records at the end of a line with NULL values. This is pretty useful as periodically the CloudFront and S3 log formats change, and they add new columns. Finally, we’re telling the command to abort the copy if 200 errors are found.

vaccum and analyze

Whenever you add, delete, or modify a significant number of rows, you should run a VACUUM command and then an ANALYZE command. A vacuum recovers the space from deleted rows and restores the sort order. The ANALYZE command updates the statistics metadata, which enables the query optimizer to generate more accurate query plans.

running queries




Ruby script to setup cluster and load data to it


Spark with Redshift as datasource




Amazon Redshift In Practice

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