How to customize your Mac to make it dev friendly

Replace your default terminal with iTerm 2

iTerm 2 is a replacement application for the default terminal on OSX. It’s highly popular due to allowing advanced features such as tabs, split panes, simpler theming and custom keyboard bindings. If you are Mac User but not yet benefit from this, you better give it a trial. You can download this tool from here. After you install it, you can follow the example below and taste the power of it.

Examples of Usage

Split Panels

  1. Split vertically: Command+d
  2. Split horizontally: Command+D

Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 6.44.01 PM

The inactive panel will be dimmed out.

Simultaneous command on all panels

Toggle with: Command+Shift+I

Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 6.49.37 PM

You can use this feature to:

  • issue simultaneous requests to a server
  • have all panels source the ~/.bash_profile together
  • use your imagination…

Cursor Move

The Option movement I have customized it on my Mac. You can do the same via following this tutorial

Cut and Paste

Mac Useful shortcuts

Improve the Finder

The default finder are missing some key features like:

  • open tab like chrome
  • create new file
  • hide and show hidden files
  • cut functionality (with the standard Cmd + X shortcut)
  • arranging folders on top

You can resolve these thru xtraFinder app that you can download it from here. After that, you can use its preference setting to create a set of shortcuts for your these tasks.

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NOTE: You may come across issues related to system integration protection that prevents XltraFinder working. You can get around it without disable the protection. Follow the steps below to resolve it.

  1. Reboot OS X
  2. Before OS X starts up, hold down Command-R and keep it held down until you see an Apple icon and a progress bar.
  3. After you get to the recovery screen, find Utilities from the menu bar.
  4. Select Terminal and type “csrtutil enable –without debug” and hit enter. Terminal should display a message that SIP was disabled.
  5. From the  menu, select Restart. Then you are good to go.

Screenshot and Screencasting

How to customize your Mac to make it dev friendly

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